Bounty Street, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK13 0BQ

01908 312244

New Bradwell School

Inspiring the learner in you

Year 1

This term Year 1 will be reading the range of books listed below, which covers all the subjects in this year's curriculum:

  • Anna Hibiscus' Story
  • How Does my Fruit Grow?
  • The Way Back Home
  • Jolly Postman
  • Poems about Festivals
  • Florence Nightingale
  • Traction Man
  • Belonging
  • Diary of a Spider
  • Jim and the Beanstalk
  • Say Hi to Hedgehogs
  • Aesop's Fables
  • A New Home for a Pirate

The topics we will be covering this term are:

Summer Term

English - Poetry, descriptive writing, sequencing, diary writing, and daily phonics.  Fairy tales, sequencing, story writing and daily phonics.

Maths - Multiplication, division, halves and quarters and position and direction.  Numbers to 100, time and money.

Science - Minibeasts and habitats.  Plants and growing.

History - Belonging - sequencing life events.  History of castles.

Geography - Seasons (signs of spring/summer).  Where does fruit grow?  Geographical terms- hill, cliff, coast. 

Technology - Bug hotels.  Packaging/ joining.

ICT - Continue to develop typing and mouse skills.

Art - Through the window drawing.  Still life drawings of plants.

Music - Discriminating between different rhythms, linked to the names of mini-beasts, sing songs and investigate the timbre and dynamics of percussion instruments.  Arrange their own creative scores using the elements of rhythm, pitch, tempo, timbre and dynamics that they have learned about this year.

PE - Athletics.  Striking and fielding.

French - Numbers 1 to 12, cutlery, food (fruits and vegetables), basic weather vocabulary, transport, Princes et Princesses, toys, at the beach, mountains and parc.

RE - What makes a person special and bible stories.  Christian symbols – bible, lectern, altar.

PHSE - Belonging to groups and living in the wider world.  Caring for animals.  Sun safety and use of money.

Spring Term

English - Poetry, descriptive writing, sequencing, adjectives, and daily phonics. Fact files, comic strips, sequencing, speech bubbles and daily phonics.

Maths - Numbers to 20, tens and ones, addition and subtraction to 20 and numbers to 50. Numbers to 50, length and height, weight and volume.

Science - Seasons (winter), space (planets). Materials (waterproof, absorbent, opaque and transparent).

History - People of the past (astronauts and famous pirates). Florence Nightingale, old and new toys.

Geography - Seasons (signs of winter), maps and coordinates (pirates). Locating continents.

Technology - Joining materials (split pin pictures). Levers and sliders (moving pictures).

ICT - Continuing typing skills, programming beebots. Beginning word processing.

Art - Winter/space pictures, using different materials to create art. Sketching bears.

Music - Moving to the pulse; clapping and playing rhythms and pitch matching. Sing a variety of songs, including one with varying tempi

PE - Skipping, Dribbling and Hitting.  Invasion Games.  Dance.

French - Revising colours, numbers and greetings, learning weather vocabulary. Learning home vocabulary and French celebrations.

RE - Creation story, Easter.

PHSE - New year, new beginnings. People who help us, caring for things/toys.

Autumn Term
English - Winter poems, sequencing, adjectives, drama. Fact files, comic strips and speech bubbles.

Maths - Addition and subtraction to 20, numbers to 50 and comparing lengths.

Science - Space. Waterproof, opaque and transparent materials.

History - People of the past - pirates, space travel. Florence Nightingale, old and new toys.

Geography - Maps and grid references.

Technology - Jointed characters, cutting skills and moving pictures.

ICT - Beebots, around space and maps and various interactive games.

Art - Using different medium, pirate portraits. Still life drawings - draw what you see.

Music - Pirates songs - pitch. Rhythm - holding the beat (pulse).

PE - Games and pirate dance and toy dance.

French - Revise basic colours, numbers 1 to 6, greetings. Wild and farm animals, basic weather vocabulary, pirates, cutlery. French celebrations.

RE - Creation story. Leaders.

PHSE - Healthy eating.

Year 1 will use Read, Write Inc. to learn their sounds to help them to read and write will take you to the website and if you click on "parents" at the top you will have access to lots of information to help at home with sounds and reading.


1.  Dress up as part of a theme

2.  Plant a seed

3.  Search a pond for wildlife

4.  Walk in a wood

5.  Bark rubbing

6.  Natural pictures

7.  Have a picnic

8.  Ice a biscuit

9.  Make fruit salad

10. Eat a blackberry straight from a bush

11. Hunt for bugs and hold them

12. Look at how a snail moves

13. Take part in a play

14. Play an instrument

15. Sing outside

16. Splash in a puddle

17. Make a snowman/snow angel

18. Throw a snowball

19. Look at a snowflake

20. Watch a butterfly hatch

21. Build a house for a hedgehog

22. Touch/smell animals other than pets

23. Visit a farm

24. Watch a butterfly

25. Explore outside materials

26. Look at a birds nest and its components

27. Play board games

28. Keep a creature in the classroom for a little while for the children to take care of

29. Feed the birds

30. Blow a dandelion clock

31. Make a model out of waste material

32. Use a real typewriter

33. Make a clay model

34. Use a hand lens

35. Experience printing a pattern

36. Obstacle courses

37. To continue to build on nursery rhymes and songs from Foundation

38. Walk to the postbox

39. Post a letter

40. To go on a bus ride

41. To print some work

42. Playing with a parachute

43. Skipping with a skipping rope

44. Making and exploring a den

45. Big cardboard box crafts

46. Dark activities with torches

47. Watch a pantomime

48. Exploring objects with hands

49. Taste exotic fruit

50. Fly a kite


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ICT games
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